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Crete: Local police unwillingness to find the perpetrators, says the lawyer of the Greek-Canadian financier

He expresses indignation and concern for the handling of the authorities, in a letter to George Floridis - "When they were beating my husband, it was like being in hell", said the wife of the Greek-Canadian financier

The two alleged perpetrators of the murderous attack on the Greek-Canadian financier remain missing for the 12th day and have been served with as many arrest warrants.

The victim’s lawyer Mr. Manolis Troulis, in a letter to the Minister of Justice Mr. Giorgos Floridis, expresses his indignation and deep concern about the handling of the authorities in the sad incident of April 16 with the brutal beating of his client by five people in a bar in Heraklion, Crete. It speaks of the “apparent inability or unwillingness of the local police to identify and arrest the suspects”and inaction that “undermines public confidence in the justice system” and “poses a significant threat to the safety of citizens and visitors.”

The entire letter:

“I am writing to express my deep indignation and deep concern regarding the deplorable handling of a heinous incident that occurred in Crete on July 16, 2024. My client, a Canadian citizen, was brutally assaulted by five men in a bar, resulting in serious injuries and requiring six hours of surgery. Despite the seriousness of the crime and the issuance of arrest warrants by the prosecutor for attempted murder for two of the perpetrators, twelve days have passed without the suspects being arrested.

This letter is a formal complaint and a strong demand for immediate and decisive action. The apparent inability or unwillingness of the local police to locate and arrest the suspects is not only a blatant failure of justice but also a disgrace to the law enforcement authorities of Greece. Such inaction undermines public confidence in the justice system and poses a significant threat to the safety of citizens and visitors alike.

The continued freedom of these violent criminals is unacceptable and constitutes a serious dereliction of duty on the part of the competent authorities. It is incomprehensible that in a modern European state the police cannot identify and arrest people for such a clear and violent crime. This failure raises serious questions about the competence, dedication and effectiveness of the Crete police force. I hereby demand that you, as the highest officials responsible for justice and public order in Greece, take immediate and comprehensive measures to correct this situation.

This includes, among others, the following: Mobilizing all available resources and personnel to ensure the immediate apprehension of suspects. Conducting a thorough and transparent investigation into the handling of this case by local police. Provide regular updates on the progress of the investigation and the measures taken to apprehend the suspects.

Failure to address this matter with the urgency and seriousness it requires will force me to escalate this matter to higher authorities, including international human rights organizations and the Canadian government. The world is watching and any further delay or negligence will not go unnoticed. My client and his family deserve justice. The people of Greece deserve a police force able and willing to protect them. I trust you will act swiftly to ensure that justice is served without further delay.”

“When they were beating my husband it was like being in hell”

Yesterday, the wife of the Greek-Canadian financier gave an exclusive interview to describing the nightmare she experienced that day. “It was not just an incident, it was a traumatic event that left indelible scars for a lifetime,” said the wife of the Greek-Canadian financier.

In her description to, the Russian woman of Icelandic nationality,Yana Ioanna stressed that she was not far from the scene of the scuffle, but could not see much. When the attack started, she was pushed and punched in the face. She was bleeding and dizzy while at the same time trying to understand what was happening.

She remembers the chaos and Emmanuel lost in a crowd of “monsters.”“All I was thinking about was the safety of my family: Where is my daughter? Where are my sons? Where is Emmanuel?”

Confusion and fear had taken over. “I could hear my daughter screaming, everything seemed so unreal,” he said.

She explained that it all happened so fast that she felt like her life went black in an instant. The screams of the children echoed in her ears, but there was no one to help. The crowd around her played the role of mere observers without interfering. “It was terrifying to see my husband and sons being attacked. The worst was when I saw Emmanuel fall to the ground after being hit in the face with a chair. He was unconscious, and yet they continued to kick him. I was terrified.”

Continuing, she said she now feels completely empty and devastated. “There’s a heaviness in my chest, like I’m not getting enough air. I am haunted by this condition and even during the day everything seems bleak. The sun, which once brought warmth and light, now looks like darkness. The food has lost its taste, almost tastes like poison. Every day is a struggle, filled with deep sadness and a sense of disconnection from everything around me. The pain and fear from that night have left a permanent imprint.”

“As people who believe in God and as Christians we are taught to forgive those who make mistakes. However, these attackers have a troubled past and are dangerous to tourists and locals alike. They mock and terrorize others, repeatedly putting them in great danger. For such acts, the only place they deserve is prison”
 Yana Ioanna added.

Asked if she would find the strength to forgive them, she replied that she cannot forgive monsters who show no remorse and whose actions could have cost her family lives. In particular, she pointed out that forgiveness is important, but it is difficult to offer it to those who have caused so much pain and could have done even worse.